About Us

With investment professionals, lawyers and accountants in new york, united arab emirates, hong kong and switzerland, we have the network and the resources to become the ideal financial partner for all of your business needs. stay up to date on the global market and u.s. economy by checking out our newsletter.

Our Process

We conduct extensive research and due diligence before making funding commitments. Our experienced team thoroughly understands the financing and public market environments. We begin the process with an initial due diligence checklist, which will include conference calls with management and usually a site visit. Next, we send a term sheet outlining the terms of a proposed financing. We will then work with counsel to efficiently draft definitive deal documents. upon receiving a fully executed set of final documents, we will fund. The process can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the complexity of the transaction.

Public Companies

NC Capital is a passive investor that provides capital for accounts receivable financing, purchase order financing, acquisition financing and general working capital purposes.

Some of our structures include (but are not limited to):

  • Convertible debentures
  • Secured loans
  • Preferred equity
  • Common stock (both registered and exempt offerings)

Private Companies

NC Capital is a passive investor that provides capital for accounts receivable financing, purchase order financing, acquisition financing and general working capital purposes.

Some of our structures include (but are not limited to):

  • Convertible debentures
  • Secured loans
  • Preferred equity
  • Common stock (both registered and exempt offerings)